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Sunday 23rd March
Lent 3

8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Eucharist (Prayer Ministry available after the service)
4.00pm Evensong

Monday 24th March
9.00am Morning Prayer on Zoom

Tuesday 25th March
9.00am Morning Prayer on Zoom
9.45 for 10.00am Lent Course - 'Finding the Gospel in Narnia'

Wednesday 26th March
9.00am Morning Prayer on Zoom
10.30am Holy Communion
12.15pm Frugal Lent Lunch
7.00pm Lent Course - 'Finding the Gospel in Narnia'

Thursday 27th March
8.00am Holy Communion
8.00am Morning Prayer on Zoom
11.00am-12.00 noon Coffee & Chat on Zoom

Friday 28th March
9.00am Morning Prayer on Zoom
10.30am Buggy Buddies

Saturday 29th March
9.00am Morning Prayer on Zoom
1.30-3.30 Family Crafternoon

Sunday 30th March
Lent 4 (Mothering Sunday)

8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am All Age Eucharist (Prayer Ministry available after the service)
4.00pm Evensong

Zoom Links:

Lent Frugal
Lunches for 2025

During Lent there will be a Frugal Lunch of soup, bread and fruit each Wednesday at 12.15pm. Everyone is welcome. Please add your name to the list in the cloister.

Lantern Prayer Group
Dates for 2025

Wednesday 12th February
Wednesday 9th April
Wednesday 11th June
Wednesday 13th August
Wednesday 8th October
Wednesday 10th December
All meetings will start at 2.30pm

Food Bank

The Food Bank is seriously short of supplies, especially:
1 ltr bottles of squash, instant mash, jam, long life fruit juice, tinned soup, packets of biscuits, puddings/desserts, rice 500gm packets, small jars coffee, tea bags boxes of 40 or 80, tinned meat (sausages in beans, chilli con carne), toiletries.
They have plenty of: pasta and Bolognese sauces, rice pudding, tinned fish, tinned fruit, tinned vegetables, toilet rolls.
Please do not leave perishable items.

Bank the Food is a charity set up to make sure foodbanks get exactly what they need – and not just baked beans. You can download their App which will enable you to see what the local foodbank needs at any time.


Revd JackieRev. Jackie Bullen
Vicar and Rural Dean
of Peterborough

The Vicarage, 315 Thorpe Road, Longthorpe, Peterborough PE3
Tel: 01733 263016.

Safeguarding Officers

St. Botolph’s is committed to safeguarding the welfare of all young people and vulnerable adults.
Claire Drake
Parish Safeguarding Officer

Tel: 01780 783303
Victoria Kellett
Diocesan Safeguarding Officer

Tel: 01733 887040

Click on the following links to download:

Longthorpe Church Safeguarding Policy

Diocesan Safeguarding Policy

Promoting a Safer Church (House of Bishops)